Sunday, July 8, 2012

Addictive Blog Award

I must say I love Amanda at We and Serendipity. Seriously she is the cutest. She always has adorable posts and really has taken me under her wing and trained me in the ways of blogging. You should go check out her blog right now.

Amanda was sweet enough to nominate me for the Addictive Blog Award. It's my first go around but here are the rules.

  1. thank the person who nominated you and link them back
  2. share a little bit about why you started blogging
  3. copy and paste the award onto your blog
  4. nominate up to 10 other bloggers you think are addictive enough to deserve the award.
So here is my tid bit about why I started blogging....
My blog is quite new. I only started writing about a month ago. It was on my twentieth birthday actually. I was going through a lot of changes, getting used to my new role as a newlywed wife, trying to cook, clean, work and balance everything. Initially, I was thinking this might motivate me to make yummy meals so I could post pictures and my recipes online, but truthfully not much has changed. I also wanted to connect with others in my same position. Young women who were trying to learn and also share their knowledge. Honestly, I am so impressed with the women that I have met in this short amount of time, therefore I would like to nominate a few of these cuties...
  1. He and I -- I'll admit I actually knew Alexa before I entered the blogging world, but her blog is one of my favorites. She is an amazing photographer, wife and soon to be mommy. So head over to her blog and say hi!
  2. Kinzie's Kreations -- First of all I love her because we practically have the same name. She is Kinzie Sue and I'm Kinzie Susann. Small world ehh? She is amazingly crafty and posts tons of printables that she designs. She is mucho talented!
  3. Life Could Be A Dream -- The author of this blog is Jana. She is a great cook and know everything there is to know about the kitchen. She posts tasty recipes and shares stories of her life with her sweet hubby and is so excited for her baby boy due in September. Oh and she also has super cute date ideas for newlywed couples.  Stop in and tell her I say hello :)
There are so many other wonderful bloggers I have met, but I only had time to mention a few. I can't wait to meet even more blogging buddies!!

Xoxo Kinzie


  1. Have I ever mentioned that you're fabulous? :)

  2. isn't lex the best? we were in the honors program together at uvu! cutest blog ever, for sure.

    xo, b.

  3. oh wait... i know jana in real life too! from honors! haha crazy (:

    xo, b.

  4. Hey dear! Love your blog! PS - Your wedding dress was beautiful!!
